NETWORKING /etc/resolv.conf/ Ubuntu 10.0.4

Tom H tomh0665 at
Sat May 15 19:17:06 UTC 2010

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 12:31 PM, zongo saiba <zongosaiba at> wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-05-14 at 20:49 -0400, Tom H wrote:
>> On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 7:54 PM, Asif Iqbal <vadud3 at> wrote:
>> > On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 3:32 PM, zongo saiba <zongosaiba at> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Could anyone tell me why my /etc/resolv.conf/ file gets emptied and then
>> >> I lose all connections to my wireless network ? I mean, I have figured
>> >> out why this was happening. I have to manually reconfigure manually
>> >> resolv.conf everytime this happens and all his back to normal.
>> >>
>> >> resolv.conf is controlled by NetworkManager. Should I configure
>> >> NetworkManager in any particular way ? Or May by my routeur ?
>> >
>> > if you are getting ip through dhcp then just use prepend or append
>> > your resolvers
>> > in your system.
>> >
>> > man dhclient.conf or vi /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf to get some idea.
>> If using NM, it is probably more appropriate to make configuration
>> changes within NM's GUI. I don't have NM installed to check this, but
>> it must have a field for specifying DNS servers.
> Indeed it does. I was suffering network connection loss eventhough I had
> configured the GUI properly. Plus the Wifi connection or card (still
> don't know) was very talkative and was filling up my logs pretty fast.
> Plus, my resolv.conf was being whipped clean every other time which had
> for result to cut off my connection from the router. Since I have
> configured (as off today) dhclient.conf (as per man page) it seems to be
> a lot better. I have just tested the connection today only, but will
> come back on that in a couple of days with better estimate of the
> reliability of my connection. An interesting fact here: Before actually
> changing the dhclient.conf file, I had changed the configuration
> in /etc/network/interfaces which had a terrible effect on my wifi
> connection but also on NM. NM was still running in the background but
> not showing in the menu bar at all. I could not scan wireless networks.
> I could only connect with ifconfig and ESSID of the network which worked
> nicely but still needed my notebook to scan for other wireless networks
> especially when I was on the move. Nevertheless, it seems that I slowly
> getting back to normal with my wifi connection.

Unless you change the nm_controlled variable, defining more than lo in
/e/n/i won't work. NM will keep on running and, I think, mess with
your DHCP (and hence your resolv.conf) settings.

If you're comfortable at the cli, editing dhclient.conf and running NM
should give allow you to scan wifi networks and set specific dns

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