pc doesnt recognize cd i give up7

terry xtlynne at charter.net
Sat May 15 16:20:29 UTC 2010

On 05/15/2010 11:19 AM, ubuntu-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com wrote:
> Except for the motherboard I believe, I have described the spec several
> times already.
> And for the motherboard - no offense, but I have no idea.
> Do I HAVE to know that???
> I recently bought a new car. Although I do not know the exact
> construction of the engine or
> what alloy is used for the cylinder heads -- I still can drive it.
do so. im sure when you bought the car you looked at the engine, or 
later checked fluids. learn anything to help your comuter. p---- poor 
analogy. did you follow any suggestions? low burn rate seems excellent!
knowing mboard might trigger someones memory as to a bug with the 
mboard. you whine too much.

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