VirtualBox and iTunes

clintin at clintin at
Sat May 15 13:38:58 UTC 2010

On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 06:56:40PM -0400, clintin at wrote:
> > I have a iPhone, and in order to load muusic on it, I need to run
> iTunes. I
> > do not have any Windows (or for that matter Mac) computers. I 
> I
> > could get this done using VirtualBox, and an XP image, but every 
> I
> > strat iTunes in a VirtualBox XP instance. I get a Windows "program
> crash"
> > message.
> > Has anyone made this work?
> The problem is your version of iTunes.  You need to use iTunes 
> 9.02 which works fine, does not crash in VirtualBox.   iTunes was
> "broke" in 9.03 and higher and I guess Apple isn't inclined to fix 
> Also, you need to use the PUEL verison of Virtual Box because the 
> OSE verision does not support USB connections.

OK, thanks. One final question, Where can I get the older version? It 
not look like the Apple site gives me a chice as to what version to

Thanks for the help.

Clintin:  You can get it here -
Clintin:  The LinuxMint 9 is appears to be a good solution but my 
choice remains running WindowsXP in virtualbox 3.1.8 PUEL and using 
iTunes for managing the iPOD/iTouch.  The neat thing about this 
solution is that you can also use tools like iAccess (Windows version) 
to download and backup your iPOD/iTunes files from the device and it is 
agnostic to the type of iPOD/iTouch device (Mac & PC formated devices) 
since Ubuntu 10.04 recognizes the file formats automatically and mounts 
the device which Windows does not do natively.  It is interesting that 
Rythmbox and some of the other players in Linux will play tunes off you 
iPOD/iTunes device but are a little limited in managing the device 
including downloading the files.


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