[SOLVED] 3ware 3DM2 browser

Dave Howorth dhoworth at mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk
Fri May 14 10:33:50 UTC 2010

I wrote:
> I've just installed the 3ware browser-based management program on a
> karmic system. I've started the 3dm2 process by hand and it's running
> but I can't connect to its display. I'm trying http://localhost:888/
> which I think is the default location (I accepted the installer's
> defaults).

This turned out to be very simple finger trouble. So this is just a note
of the solution in case anybody is trawling the archive (such as me in 6

The address to use is https://localhost:888/  (note the extra 's')

Cheers, Dave

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