Submited bug. Please review: User Switcher crashes on user B, user A can work only in text mode.

chris chevhq at
Thu May 13 04:38:11 UTC 2010

On Thu, 2010-05-13 at 11:51 +0800, Christopher Chan wrote:
> On Thursday, May 13, 2010 11:45 AM, chris wrote:
> >
> >>>
> >>
> >> Is it me or does your last paragraph there sound rather ironic?
> >>
> >
> > However it is sound advice, and I am already moving my client base to
> > Debian stable.
> > cheers the kiwi
> >
> >
> Yes, yes, but it is not helping the Ubuntu cause which message is what I 
> am trying to get through to Mr. Ethereal.
I appreciate that, but I haven given up.
you can not change ideas by rational argument.

cheers the kiwi

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