Ultimate Edition v2.6 of Lucid 10.04

Basil Chupin blchupin at iinet.net.au
Wed May 12 05:13:15 UTC 2010

What a BRILLIANT adaptation/transformation of Ubuntu Lucid (10.04)!

This is how I always imagined Linux to look when done professionally 
(with no offence to current developers). The desktop of gold and melted 
chocolate, with a gold rotating arrow head for the cursor, is stunning 
(and you can change the wallpaper if you want).

Many thanks, Graham Todd, for mentioning this in one of your messages 
(in a totally unrelated thread :-) ).

OK, for some this may be a just a bit "over the top" but for myself - I 
am enjoying it and am enjoying playing around with it. I also know a few 
people who would just LOVE this version.

Some nice things to start with:

Ubuntu Tweak is installed by default;

WINE is installed by default;

vlc, xine and amarok are installed by default, but not kaffeine;

the medibuntu source is in the repo sources and all you need to do is to 
'activate' it - no need to go chasing this in Ubuntu wiki or wherever;

gimp is installed by default;

the list can go on.......

However, nothing is perfect.....

When you insert the DVD (2.4GB) it will boot into LIVE mode even though 
- at least with me - it gives the option to Install from DVD it simply 
boots into Live mode. That's OK but just something to watch for.

During the installation stage it retains the most annoying statement in 
Ubuntu that "the installation will finish shortly", or words to this 
effect, but it doesn't and takes quite a while to install - it took 
overall an hour last night to install. I suspect that the reason for 
this is that even though your language may be, say, English, the install 
process downloads the language packs for all sorts of unwanted languages 
(and then also tries to upgrade them!) like, for me Spanish, German, 
and, would you believe, Xhosa :-) . On top of this, the progress bar 
slowly progresses from 0% to 100%.....but then keeps going until, I 
think, it reaches 180% :-) .

Just one other thing to bear in mind. Installing the nVidia "proppa" 
video driver has a repurcussion: the golden rotating arrow-cursor turns 
into an ugly duckling of a big black arrow head :-( (and the splash 
screen on boot goes into EGA mode). Way out of getting the gold arrow 
back (but not the splash screen on boot) is to deselect Visual Effects 
in Appearance - that is, you lose the ability to use Compiz. I believe 
that this hassle is being looked at as the emphasis was to get this UE 
working for ATI/Radeon.

Oh, yes: the Adobe Flash plugin for Firefox is not installed by default 
so you need to install it (from Synaptic Package Manager for example).

After playing around for a bit longer on my test-bed I think I will 
switch my main system over to Ultimate Edition - it's so nice to look at 
:-) .

As Graham advised, Ultimate Edition can be downloaded from


a 2.4GB download of a DVD iso.



The best defence against logic is ignorance.

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