where to make packaging suggestions? the monstrosity that is "xmlto"

Florian Diesch diesch at spamfence.net
Wed May 12 04:04:33 UTC 2010

"Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday at crashcourse.ca> writes:

>   in the process of setting up my 10.04 box for
> typesetting/publishing, and went to install the "xmlto" package --
> sadly, it insists on dragging in dozens and dozens of "tex"-related
> packages and requiring 757MB of extra disk space.  so, a thought or
> two.
>   1) given that people might want to use "xmlto" for generating
> simple HTML, it's not clear that every xmlto user needs all that
> tex-related crap.  can it be repackaged to make all of that only
> *suggested*?
>   2) given that FOP is now a viable (if still incomplete) XML to PDF
> translator, that argues even more strongly for making tex stuff
> optional, since FOP might -- for many people -- be perfectly adequate.
>   is this a reasonable suggestion to make to the appropriate parties?

Looks like you already have the choice between TeX and FOP:

$ apt-cache show xmlto|grep ^Recommends
Recommends: libpaper-utils, dblatex | fop

So if you have FOP installed the TeX stuff shouldn't get installed.


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