Karl Larsen
klarsen1 at gmail.com
Tue May 11 20:31:37 UTC 2010
On 05/11/2010 02:28 PM, Johnneylee Rollins wrote:
>> Here is THE problem. The entire /home/karl/ directory has 33 GB of
>> stuff. This is LARGE, TOO LARGE.
> Is that a mounted partition?
>> I need to sort through this 33GB and take out just the stuff to
>> allow things to work. Right now I am plotting out how to get a much
>> smaller /home/karl/ that will work. Then figure out what will go in the
>> /home/karl/data/ directory.
> If it is indeed a partition, you could always just mount it elsewhere
> and then remove the configs inside it and let your installs have a
> /home/Karl of their own, instead of a single one shared across. That
> would eliminate the conflicting configs and you could mount your old
> /home/Karl partition to say, /home/Karl/Data or /media/Data on every
> install.
> If the problem is just a pet peeve of having too much in your
> /home/Karl, then I think that you don't necessarily need the support
> of the mailing list for that, you've proven you can remove things in a
> number of your threads.
> If your intention is to make your current /home/Karl into a data
> partition, you don't necessarily need to remove the configs. But
> either way, YMYR. Just don't blame anyone for what happens. Have a
> good time of it.
> ~SpaceGhost
You STILL lack an understanding of the problem. Sorry!
73 Karl
Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
Linux User
#450462 http://counter.li.org.
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