Sound in Linux/Ubuntu Chapter 50

zongo saiba zongosaiba at
Tue May 11 09:29:39 UTC 2010


I have gathered a couple of websites here that helped me understand
better about sound as a newbie to the Linux world. I guess the moral
of the story (at least for me) is that Linux and especially sound,
will not work out the box. The way I see it, it gives you great
flexibility to actually configure you box the way you want it. I
guess, if Linux/Ubuntu was like Windows or Mac, I would most
definitely move away from the platform. Again, that is only my humble
opinion it is most subjective to me. I do appreciate that others might
feel frustrated when things do not work straight away or even at all
(So do I sometimes).
Back to the point, here are the website that I found very useful to
understand more about sound in Linux the Ubuntu way: ... udio1.html ... y-to-linux

Going back to a discussion I had  about Pulse Audio, I don't think
taking it away from the system is such a good idea. Those websites
will most definitely tell you why. Since I have a better configuration
of Pulse Audio in my system, I enjoy better sound and most of all,
sound on my network. The Pulse Audio configuration will not solve you
hardware issue: Meaning,  my internal mic for example, remains an
issue. I think this is another stories and more linked to a driver

Hope that helps clarify things to newcomers to the Linux World made in Ubuntu.

PS: Check out the Arch Linux wiki. I think it is one of the best
tutorials on how to set up Pulse Audio.

Kind Regards,


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