OO function key short cut "F11"

Graham Todd grahamtodd2 at googlemail.com
Mon May 10 00:07:40 UTC 2010

On Sun, 09 May 2010 20:36:37 +0100
John D Lamb <J.D.Lamb at btinternet.com> uttered these words:

> On Sun, 2010-05-09 at 22:49 +0530, H.S.Rai wrote: 
> > On upgrading to Lucid, found change in shortcuts, F11 used to open
> > "Style and formatting", but now it is for "full screen mode". Why
> > such changes?  
> There are still some who treat a wordprocessor as if it were a
> typewriter. The Styles and Formatting menu has no meaning for them
> because they don’t know what styles or formatting are. But full screen
> makes sense because they don’t use any useful features anyway.

With the greatest of respect, the reply doesn't answer the OP's
original question.  He asked *WHY* F11 now opens "Full Screen Mode"
instead of "Style and Formatting" under Lucid.

I don't know why, either. There's been a number of changes to the Gnome
desktop under Lucid that appear to be more due to branding than
usefulness - take the window controls being moved from right to left.
Could this be the reason for the change in OpenOffice under Lucid?

Graham Todd

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