No video output after boot with nvidia driver and lucid.

NoOp glgxg at
Sun May 9 22:43:42 UTC 2010

On 05/07/2010 12:00 AM, Federico wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a Nvidia N210 and I'm using the nvidia proprietary driver with
> lucid, after the splash screen instead of the loading GDM the screen
> turn off saing "No video output", I've tried using either the DVI
> output or the VGA port but nothing changed. (With karmic it worked
> like a charm with DVI output)
> When the monitor goes to power saving mode my system seems frozen, any
> combination of keys even the Magic SysRq doesn't work.
> If I use nouveau driver ubuntu starts well although the screen
> resolution is incorrect. So I think  the problem is the nvidia
> proprietary driver.
> I've also opened a bug on launchpad [0] and wrote on ubuntuforums [1]
> but nobody answered me.
> Any help is very appreciated, thank you in advance!
> [0]
> [1]

Perhaps your bug report might get more attention if you file (or tag) it
in the appropriate nvidia drivers? Not sure which driver you are using
as you don't provide any useful information in your bug report.

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