Backgrounds for desktops/workspaces

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Sun May 9 11:38:19 UTC 2010

On 09/05/10 11:30, Henry Dubb wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 4:51 AM, Basil Chupin <blchupin at 
> <mailto:blchupin at>> wrote:
>     Re: Lucid Beta 2.
>     How can I put a different background/wallpaper on each of my (6)
>     desktops/workspaces, please? Anyone know?
> wallpapoz does this. Trying it just now. 4 Workspaces each 
> assigned separate folder. When you switch workspace it redraws desktop 
> with corresponding folder.
> Download tar, extract to home. Go to src folder and execute wallpapoz. 
> I added it to startup.

Again, thanks for this info.

Somebody told me about this a while ago but now I finally got it working 
after you reminded me of it. Working OK, but have to admit that the 
change-over from wallpaper to wallpaper for each desktop is not instant 
right now. Perhaps this will improve with later versions of Wallpapoz - 
I certainly hope so. However at the moment it is certainly a lot better 
than always staring at the same wallpaper for each of the desktops.


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