Ubuntu 10.04 install problem

Joep L. Blom jlblom at neuroweave.nl
Thu May 6 21:32:58 UTC 2010

Tomasz Kisielewski wrote:
> Hi
> I am new to this list. After downloading Ubuntu 10.04 couldn't start 
> properly live cd. On black scren was message "signal over range" 
> couldn't do anything else then unpower pc. I could hear (couldn't see) 
> that booting live cd is going :(. I couldn't find option to boot it in 
> safe mode, but I am not sure if it helped. Any ideas... Graphic card is 
> Nvidia, compaq presario PC, trouble running linux...
> Tom
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The messages indicates that the video-driver is not correctly 
configured: mots of the times it indicates that the vertical refresh 
frequency of your monitor is out of range, i.e. the driver chosen by the 
video control process has chosen a too high range. This happens with 
older and/or cheap screens.
As you say that booting continues, you can try to login on a terminal 
process by typing pressing ctrl & alt and in the same time F1 (function 
key 1).
Hope this helps,

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