Opening a set of apps
yorvik.ubunto at
Mon May 3 22:32:38 UTC 2010
On Mon, 03 May 2010 21:58:59 +0100, Jim Byrnes <jf_byrnes at>
> Chris wrote:
>> Use devils pie and the gnome app gdevilspie
>> ------Original Message------
>> From: Jim Byrnes
>> Sender: ubuntu-users-bounces at
>> To: Ubuntu Forum
>> ReplyTo: Ubuntu user technical support,not for general discussions
>> Subject: Opening a set of apps
>> Sent: May 2, 2010 9:16 PM
>> Is it possible to open a set of applications I use to do a certain task
>> and have them all positioned on the screen the way i like to use them?
>> Sort of like in Seamonkey when you bookmark a group of open tabs which
>> you can then click to open all the tabs at once.
>> Regards, Jim
> Chris
> I had a look at devils pie. If I understand it correctly, it intercepts
> the startup of a program and if it matches certain criteria will then
> configure it according to a config file.
> I should have been more clear. I was looking for a way to click on a
> menu item and have it launch and position multiple programs in a window.
> Thanks, JIm
Not the most elegent solution to launching several programs but,
Create a file with some thing like 'program_a & program_b & program_c' in
it then create a launcher for the file.
Some programs have the ability to be told what size window and where to
position themselves from a config file. I can’t find this info at the
moment but I’m sure it’s out there somewhere.
Steve (Yorvyk)
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