UbuntuOne: No Synchronisation
dreadpiratejeff at gmail.com
Mon May 3 04:01:28 UTC 2010
On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 06:46, Sascha Effert <fermat at uni-paderborn.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have tried the Ubuntu Musik store. I bought an album and it was
> transfered in my UbuntuOne storage. But there it did not went into my
> Musik. in .ubuntuone I could find an directory "Purchased from Ubuntu
> One" containing an empty directory with the name of the album but no
> files. So I downloadede the files using firefox from ubuntuone (file by
> file, was not nice to download 29 files this way... It would have been
> nice to make the storage attachable using WebDAV.).
> After about 4 hours 4 of the 29 files appeared suddenly in the album
> folder. So it perhaps it syncs, but VERY lame. At this time this 4 songs
> appeared twice in rhythmbox. I was not able to get the .ubuntoone
> directory out of rhythmbox. Every time I configure rhythmbox to use only
> my music folder it adds automatically the ubtunone sync folder.
> So, even if I like the idea of the ubuntuone music shop very much, I
> will keep getting my music from amazon for now. At the moment all this
> stuff behaves as an alpha version (here?).
There are bugs about this in Launchpad... but you also have to
remember that 10.04 LTS JUST went out the door. And with it, EVERYONE
+ BROTHER who had been waiting for 10.04 LTS to release hammered the
iso servers, AND every single one of also started out with 2GB of free
cloud space in Ubuntu 1. A lot of the slow transfers and issues
(beyond the previously reported ones) were simply due to an incredibly
large volume of new users hitting the cloud at the same time.
It's no different than trying to play games on xBox Live or some
similar venue in the two weeks or so following Christmas... Or, if
you're in the US, it's a LOT like trying to use an iPhone in month
after it was released, when AT&Ts networks melted down because of the
sudden influx of iPhones pulling data across their cellular network.
Most if the issues now are more growing pains issues, and the Ubuntu
One team are working tirelessly to resolve them and improve the
process for the future.
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