Alsa/Sound/ in 10.04

zongo saiba zongosaiba at
Sun May 2 21:18:01 UTC 2010

On Sun, 2010-05-02 at 13:28 -0700, Robert Holtzman wrote:
> On Sun, 2 May 2010, zongo saiba wrote:
>                ..........snip.........
> > As you can see it is going to remove ubuntu-desktop. This is what
> > happened to me last time when i was fiddling with it. I had to reinstall
> > my system completely. I really would like to know how you removed
> > pulse-audio from your box ?
> Not sure it would work but since ubuntu desktop is a package could it be 
> reinstalled? Looking at the installed files for that package, since I 
> see nothing referring to pulse-audio, I wonder why it gets uninstalled. 
> Would reinstalling it also reinstall pulse-audio?
> -- 
> Bob Holtzman
> Key ID: 8D549279
> "If you think you're getting free lunch,
>   check the price of the beer"
Yes reinstalling it would reinstall Pulse Audio as it by default the
sound server in Ubuntu. Hence my confusion when people I read that
people do actually get rid of it. 

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