Software for PDF-annotating collaboration

Christoph Bier christoph.bier at
Sun May 2 16:42:07 UTC 2010

Dotan Cohen schrieb am 02.05.2010 18:12:

> A user's office receives documents in PDF format, and the various
> bodies must collaborate and discuss the PDF by email. What software
> can annotate PDF files with highlighting, notes, and simple drawing,
> that is suitable for collaboration? KDE's Okular does annotate PDF
> files in this fashion, however the annotation format is not suitable
> for collaboration.

I don't know of such software for Linux. For
discussing/commenting/changing documents I use OOo or MS Office and
at the end it's typeset with LaTeX into a PDF file. For proofreading
a typeset document we use versions with linenumbers readers can
refer to.

+++ Typografie-Regeln (1.7):

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