can not add data to partion

Ioannis Vranos cppdeveloper at
Sun May 2 11:49:54 UTC 2010

On Sun, 2010-05-02 at 05:21 -0600, Gary Kirkpatrick wrote:
> By the way even when I perform the mount command, the partition is
> still not listed in nautilus.  Yesterday I removed the partition in G
> parted and added it again it reappeared in nautilus, although still
> could not write to it.

If you have formatted the partition, open a terminal and do:

1. sudo -i


chown -R  your_user_name:your_user_name    /the_mounted_directory_path

to be able to access it.

For example:

chown -R gary:gary /Data

Ioannis Vranos

C95 / C++03 Software Developer

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