evolution multiple smtp

Luca Ferrari fluca1978 at infinito.it
Tue Mar 30 12:14:54 UTC 2010

On Monday 29 March 2010 06:20:50 pm NoOp's cat walking on the keyboard wrote:

> I'm not sure I understand what you are asking. Each account can be
> configured with Edit|Preferences|Mail Accounts|Edit (or Add)|Sending
> Email tab|
>  Server Type: smtp
>  Server: smtp server of your choice
> Or are you looking for something different?

No, I'm looking for a way to define smtps indipendently from the receiving 
accounts, so that you can pick up an smtp to use when you need to send e-mail 
within a network. But I guess evolution cannot do that, as described here:

This is a common problem that both evolution and thunderbird have, but not 
kmail, and I think it is a very interesting and useful feature for people 
using laptops and mobile clients. With that, you can just select the smtp to 
use while writing the e-mail.


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