base 2 or base 10.

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sun Mar 28 08:38:41 UTC 2010

On 28 March 2010 00:58, Fred A. Miller <fmiller at> wrote:
>> I note with some amusement that Slashdot and several other sites are
>> alight with the news that Ubuntu are about to provide the option to
>> display filesizes in base 10 or base 2.
>> Any positive or negative reactions to this from the users here? Moving
>> the buttons from right to left caused some people pain - how do you
>> feel about this "improvement" to the UI?
> I think it's a mistake because it might not be understood by the vast
> number of barely functional MickySoft users moving to Ubuntu.

Those users will not care and it will not matter to them.  The
difference is not large enough to matter to most people


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