[OT] extract audio from vob file

Thomas Kaiser ubuntu at kaiser-linux.li
Sat Mar 27 11:03:25 UTC 2010

On 03/27/2010 10:50 AM, Basil Chupin wrote:
> On 27/03/10 20:14, Thomas Kaiser wrote:
>> Hey
>> I would like to extract only the audio from a song of a Karako DVD. The 
>> song is located in the file VTS_01_3.vob at 7 min 21 sec.
>> I should copy this song to CD. My daughter needs it to sing Karako.
>> Anyone out there knows how to do this?
>> Thomas
> Use *avidemux* to view the DVD and cut out (save as a file) the bit of 
> video containing the piece of music/song.
> Use *audacity* to import this file to extract the sound out of it and 
> then edit it (still with audacity) to get the proper piece of music  - 
> that is, get rid of any rubbish at the beginning and end of the audio file.
> BC
> -- 
> If you go through life with your head in the sand, all people will see is an arse.


Did it and I got a mp3 file with the right song. how can I burn this to 
CD as a audio CD (not MP3).

I never played with this stuff, but i think it should be possible?


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