Weird Problem

Colin Law clanlaw at
Wed Mar 24 10:40:50 UTC 2010

On 16 March 2010 12:53, Karl F. Larsen <klarsen1 at> wrote:
>        I ran top on my Lucid Alpha fully updated and to my surprise
> it told me the CPU was maxed out at 98% used! So checked
> around and could not find a problem. So rebooted to my 8.02
> version which has all old stuff.
>        Here everything is working but top tells me the CPU is
> running less than 10% almost all the time! This is what I
> expect since the CPU is quite fast. Also this is a 32 bit
> system and the Lucid is a 64 bit version.
>        Any ideas? I will keep testing and looking for the problem.

The first suggestion is to look at what process is consuming the cpu.


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