antivirus software: how do you actually install it?

Nils Kassube kassube at
Wed Mar 24 05:41:16 UTC 2010

Liam Proven wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 9:36 PM, Lou Katz <ubuntu at> wrote:
> > AHAH! What Microsoft needs to do is to supply and IE for Linux,
> > thus making Linux as insecure as Microsoft products!! [The Ultimate
> > Trojan Horse]

Good idea, but only if they also make Outlook Express and ActiveX 
available - otherwise I'm not interested because important ways for 
infection are missing. :)

> You jest, but it was originally planned to be a cross-platform app,
>  in the early days when Micros~1 planned to outcompete Netscape as
>  opposed to just stabbing it in the back then denying everything.

Shouldn't that be MICROS~1? Or did they have lowercase already when they 
"invented" long file names?


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