Antivirus and anti spam for ubuntu desktop

Amedee Van Gasse amedee-ubuntu at
Sun Mar 21 08:35:58 UTC 2010

On 21-03-10 04:08, valhalla2100 at wrote:
> I was not catching on because I had not read all of
> the replies until now.  I may have answered a later
> reply.
> However, the statement that there are no viruses or
> malware for LINUX is not correct.
> It is possible that I did not get infected and the
> problem could have been due to defects of Ubuntu
> 9.10 but I doubt it.  I did not change anything with
> the OS.

Prove it! Prove that you got infected by a virus, and that your problem 
can't be fixed by deleting or resetting your Firefox profile.

If you can't prove it, then please stop spreading rumours and wrong 

If you *can* prove it, then the issue should be adressed immediately 
because it would mean that millions of other Linux users are also 
vulnerable. So there is a bug responsibility on your shoulders...

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