Window buttons on the left in Lucid

Markus Schönhaber ubuntu-users at
Tue Mar 16 20:24:26 UTC 2010

16.03.2010 17:16, Dave Woyciesjes:

>>>>> So, that leaves the converts from MacOS X who I consider likely to
>>>>> welcome that change.
>>>>> But, how many people are there who bought Apple hardware and then
>>>>> abandon the most prominent reason for doing so - owning a platform on
>>>>> which they can legally run MacOS X - in favour of Ubuntu?

>>>>> Can someone please shed a light on this...
>>>>> ...and explain what improvement
this change is supposed to achieve? Or is this really so utterly
brain-dead as it seems to me?
[snip of the quote reverted to make clear that I didn't ask *why* one
might run Ubuntu on a Mac]

> 	Not sure who wrote this, attribution names got cut somewhere, but 
> nevertheless....

It was me.

> Why install Ubuntu on a Mac?

No, that wasn't my question.

> Couple of thoughts:
> 	You have a Mac on your desk at work (reason doesn't matter), and you 
> prefer to use Ubuntu 1) 'cuz that's what you got at home or 2) you need 
> to support Linux in your daily tasks.
> 	You got the Mac hardware for really cheap, and want Ubuntu.
> 	You prefer the Mac hardware design, dislike the OS, and have the money 
> available...

There very likely are people running Ubuntu on Macs, maybe for the
reasons you stated above, maybe for others. I didn't doubt that.
What I *do* doubt is that their number is even remotely big enough to
justify forcing the change of the button position on the existing Ubuntu
users, of whom the vast majority will not like it, as it seems to me.

But my key point is something else: There is no reason!
I've read quite a few posts on net where people not only explain that
they don't like it having the buttons on the left, but also *why* they
think having them there is a very bad idea (see for example
which sums it up quite nicely).
OTOH, I have yet to see a single post[1] which explains to me why this
change was made and what *benefit* this change is supposed to bring.
Especially the people who decided to make this change seem noticeably
quiet wrt this topic.
So, until someone comes up with a comprehensible explanation, this
leaves me thinking: "We did it because it's different, it's cool, we're
cool and we've got the power to do it. And frankly, Scarlett, we don't
give a damn about what you think".

[1] No, "What's wrong with there being change for the sake of change?"
is not an explanation I consider acceptable, not even remotely.


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