skype voicemail

Arthur Johnson arthur.johnson at
Tue Mar 16 02:14:49 UTC 2010

On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 9:28 PM, Garth Johnson <growlfd at> wrote:
> I use a combination of Skype and GoogleVoice. This provides for a full
> business solution in many cases (like having your own virtual PBX).
> Particularly in cases like mine where I am frequently very remote from
> civilization.
> The public number that I hand out is of course the Google one, which
> points at the Skype - which runs with bots (when I am offline) or on my
> iPod/laptop. GV adds a surprising number of useful features to any phone
> connection, such as dynamic call forwarding and messaging based on
> caller source and time of day (and more). This did require an "answer
> back" response to the GV initialization call - so, you may still need to
> futz a bit for this to work for you. What country are you in that does
> not have Skype-in numbers available? There may be other SIP providers
> that could help, depending on where you are.

I'll second this solution.  I use a combination of Skype and Google
Voice as well.  Its a powerful solution.

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