zongo saiba zongosaiba at gmail.com
Mon Mar 15 18:23:49 UTC 2010

Thanks NoOp.  i should have been looking in launchpad first. I will give it another try and will keep you posted.

zongo saiba
-----Original Message-----
From: NoOp
Sent:  15/03/2010 00:18:29
Subject:  Re: 3G USB MODEM ZOOM 4595

On 03/14/2010 02:27 PM, zongo saiba wrote:
> Thanks, I used the usb-modeswitch but I eneded up loosing the use of all
> my usb ports. Where did i go wrong ? 

Please bottom post on this list - thanks :-)

As mentioned previously, "I'm unfamiliar with the command". But can find
no bug reports or information indicating that the package & command
would do this. See:

You may wish to file a bug report:
But before you do that there a couple of thing you can do first:

1. Detail exactly what has occured; how you installed the package & if
you obtained any errors during the install. How you used the command.
Whether rebooting the machine has any effect. What errors you are seeing
in the error logs (/var/log/dmesg, messages etc). What hardware?

2. From a terminal provide the outputs of:

a. without any usb devices plugged in:
$ lsusb
$ dmsg | tail

b. now with a usb device plugged in (mouse, usb stick, modem, whatever):
$ lsusb
$ dmesg | tail

3. You can try the most recent version by downloading the lucid deb file
& installing:
  click on the version you require (amd64 or i386) under 'Download

Note: you must also download the usb-mode-switch-data .deb and install
it first:
click on a mirror near you to download. You can then use Nautilus to
install by double-clicking on the .deb files.
Remember install in this order:
You might also wish to consider purging the older karmic version before
installing the lucid version.

4. If all else; purge the packages:
$ sudo apt-get purge usb-modeswitch usb-modeswitch-data
and restart.

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