Problem install grub

Rashkae ubuntu at
Thu Mar 11 04:49:39 UTC 2010

Jim Byrnes wrote:
> Still trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 on a netbook. The install stops at 
> 95% at grub-install, with a fatal error. At this point the drive was:
> |freespace 256MB|sda1 primary ext4| sda5 swap|
> I made the freespace into a primary partition and tried to format it 
> ext2.  This failed with a message saying there was a short read with 
> block 0 bad.

We just had this thread.. apparently there is a component to Karmic that 
causes some SSD's to report bad sectors, (and in some cases, even 
permanently bricking the drives.)  It's possible to work around, but 
since the code that causes this has been known for several months and 
Ubuntu devs still refuse to either fix or remove it (after all, it's 
only bricking hundreds of dollar's worth of hardware, no big deal), I 
would suggest staying with the previous release of Ubuntu until this is 
resolved.  Please look over the mailing list for the discussion on 
marking bad sectors to find the link to the bug I just mentioned.

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