f-spot on Lucid 64 bit

Karl Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 9 12:47:14 UTC 2010

     For some reason there are two places that contain the proper files 
to start f-spot. The system will not start but does tell you the 
problem. It is this:

karl at Lucid:~$ f-spot
It looks like you have 2 settings directories for f-spot 
(/home/karl/.gnome2/f-spot and /home/karl/.config/f-spot). Remove one or 
run f-spot with --basedir option

     So the only problem is to decide which one to delete. I looked at 
both and decided to remove the one in .gnome2/ and did this:

karl at Lucid:~/.gnome2$ sudo mv f-spot old.f-spot

     Now f-spot works fine and I can fix it if the fix is in the wrong 
one to remove...

73 Karl

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