1 Windows Partiton and 2 Ubuntu partition Help

J dreadpiratejeff at gmail.com
Wed Mar 10 02:20:20 UTC 2010

On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 18:55, Dan B <dansjunkmail7 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have recently messed up big time and erased the ubuntu partition
> completely without messing with grub. The "No Ubuntu Partition Grub Rescue"
> command up, so I bypassed this by installing Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit again but
> this copy of 9.10 was being really glitchy for some reason. I tried to
> install ubuntu again to overwite the first Ubuntu partition but I messed up
> and it made a second Ubuntu partion (three partitions total). If I delete
> the first partition of Ubuntu (the glitchy one) will it mess up my grub? If

No... if you delete the partition that is "glitchy" then you'll just
have empty space in the middle of your disk.  At this stage, and given
your history ;-) and how new the working Ubuntu partition is, your
best, easiest bet is to delete both those partitions and reinstall to
use the entire space.

You CAN remove the bad partition, grow your good partition to fill in,
and then resize your filesystem, or, if using ext4 you can add the
newly empty disk space as an extent, but honestly, I've not used
extents in ext4 before, so I couldn't begin to tell you how to do
that.  Also, if you use ext4 and extents, you can forget about ever
mounting the partition as ext3 or ext2 in an emergency (not always
necessary, but sometimes that's a nice feature to have around)

> it will, is there a way to keep my good Ubuntu partition without getting out
> the Windows 7 cds? I really like Ubuntu I just messed up with trying some
> DIY technique. Thanks so much in advance.

See above.  And what was the DIY technique you were trying that mucked
everything up? Having learned and self-taught myself over the years,
and having done tech support, system administration and Linux beta
testing professionally, I'm always curious as to what someone was
doing that hosed their system.



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