How to record very faint sound from the analogue input?

Joep L. Blom jlblom at
Tue Mar 9 23:11:04 UTC 2010

Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> Dotan,
>> I reply off-list.
> Joep, sending mail to your personal address results in this error:
> jlblom at localhost
>   SMTP error: 550 5.1.1 <jlblom at localhost>: Recipient address
> rejected: User unknown in local recipient table
I got you messages off-line without a problem but I'm using a local 
mailserver which fetches the mail from my domain using fetchmail.
I have no idea where the error message came from as it is a local error 
produced by the mailserver (here postfix) which shouldn't reach you.
My email address is jlblom at
I think it better to communicate off-line for matters not directly 
related to the original question.

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