sending with Evolution Mail

Markus Schönhaber ubuntu-users at
Tue Mar 9 20:47:58 UTC 2010

09.03.2010 20:53, williamd:

> I have been able to set up and mostly use Ubuntu 9.10. One of my  
> remaining problems is that i cannot send mail. My provider uses a non- 
> standard SMTP server number. Surely the option to change the default  
> in Evolution is there and i just haven't seen it? I have looked  
> reeeeeal hard. Can anyone provide info on this?

If by "SMTP server number" you mean the number of the port the SMTP
server accepts connections on, then you'll have to add the number,
separated by a colon, to the server name.
For example, if the server's name is "" and it accepts
connections on the standard submission port (587), you'd enter
in the "Server" field of the configuration dialog.


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