Fw: Update 9.04 to 9.10 loses sound PROGRESS

nepal nepal.roade at googlemail.com
Mon Mar 8 16:44:18 UTC 2010

A suggestion on line revealed that grub was not updated following the
upgrade, to use the new kernel image and hence the no sound problem.

I removed the old kernels via synaptic, ran update-grub and now my
system boots using the new kernel image and so far sound works with
everything I have tried it with so far.


However, when I try to run the sound application from
System/Preferences/Sound a dialog says it is waiting for the sound
system to respond, but it never does (for as long as I've waited, a few

Running gnome-alsamixer in a terminal window now correctly detects my
sound card and provides appropriate options, so that seems ok too.

This is the first upgrade that I've tried, and apart from this problem
with sound, everything else so far seems to have gone without problem.
I am now using claws mail again after importing the messages from
kmail. The non-standard repos that I had added were commented out for
the upgrade and I have reactivated some and updated without problem.
There are still a number of things to check, but I have to admit it
looks quite good so far when I had expected it to be much more painful!
This is a very big tick for Ubuntu, especially after a "Year of
Hell" (thanks Star Trek), with KDE and Kubuntu. In this case, "I will
not be back". ;)


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