
ANDY sirald66 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 7 20:48:29 UTC 2010

I don't feel that Ubuntu One is ready for general release.

The local folders mark files with the green-check before upload is
confirmed.  I've come back days latter to find them still missing from the
site, but marked green-checked.  When the local client status icon says the
files are up to date, it may later start updating the files it actually has
not yet uploaded.  And when it appears they have all been uploaded, they do
not show in real-time on the site.

The Tomboy Notes and Contacts tabs also are not yet working.

I was using DropBox (which this appears to be a branch of) and have gone
back to that with full satisfaction.

I appreciate the great things Ubuntu does and am sure they will get UO
smoothed out.

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