Ext3 instead of Ext4

Amedee Van Gasse amedee-ubuntu at amedee.be
Sun Mar 7 16:20:19 UTC 2010

On 07-03-10 14:32, Chan Chung Hang Christopher wrote:
> Amedee Van Gasse wrote:
>> On 07-03-10 12:47, Chan Chung Hang Christopher wrote:
>>>> That being said, what does the topic starter want to do? Mirjafar, what
>>>> is your current situation and what is the goal that you want to achieve?
>>>> To give you a good answer, you really need to provide more background
>>>> information. All our answers are now just shooting in the dark, and that
>>>> doesn't really help you.
>>> He started off with what looked like a research project on ext3, then a
>>> request for programming code (hello - getting others to do your work for
>>> you?) and now I guess he might actually have a go at modifying the
>>> ext3/ext4 driver.
>>> Just hope that he does not get driven down Hans Reiser's path - actually
>>> get something good going - get creamed by kernel politics - get a really
>>> bad friend or two - go bonkers.
>> Oh dear, cargo cult programmers. I think that I can guess his country:
>> the one with 1E9 inhabitants or the one just next to it.
> Which 1E9 populated country? The one that openly copies code or the one
> that copies and passes off as one's own? OH wait...how about nuclear
> armed...hmm...this is getting harder. AH! The dark...nope...plenty of
> dark skin in both and smaller proportion of higher class white skins...I
> guess it has to come down to land area. The smaller or the larger? The
> lesser corrupt or the more corrupt? India or China?
I meant the 1.1E9 country, not the 1.3E9 country.
The country famous for it's cargo cult programmers. ;-)
It's not that they are all bad programmers, proportionally it will be 
about the same as everywhere else. It's just that there are more of them 
in absolute numbers. More good ones too of course.

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