Marking bad sectors

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at
Sat Mar 6 14:33:51 UTC 2010

Brian McKee wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 2:54 PM, Jim Byrnes<jf_byrnes at>  wrote:
>> I have a netbook with  a Crucial 64GB SSD in it.  There are some bad
>> blocks in the first GB of the drive.  Right now that is freespace. What
>> can I use to get them marked as bad?
> The badblocks command does let you mark blocks as bad - but does wear
> levelling actually let you see a specific block on an SSD? I was under
> the vague impression that some SSD controllers remap blocks behind the
> scenes.
> Brian

I just tried:
ubuntu at ubuntu:~$ sudo badblocks /dev/sda1  1052226 1

It produced a list of 1 to 127 inclusive. then 13 entries in the range 
539248-539283 and finished with 1052226.

What would be the command to try to mark them as bad?

Thanks,  Jim

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