Ctrl+Alt+Backspace for newbies.

Mark Syms mark at marksyms.me.uk
Sat Mar 6 10:03:17 UTC 2010

> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 00:00:08 -0600
> From: "Cybe R. Wizard" <cyber_wizard at mindspring.com>
> I fully agree with that but it isn't news.  In fact, I do believe
> Debian is doing so, too.  It seems that laptop keyboards make it a
> fairly common key combo to hit accidentally.
> Personally, I don't buy that.  I mean, how many times do you
> accidentally hit /three/ keys at the same time?

Actually I think it was the upstream X.Org devs that decided that, not
Debian or Ubuntu. And yes I expect it is a lot to do with laptop keyboards,
both of mine have the delete and backspace keys right next to each other -
so, going for Ctrl-Alt-Del (Windows Secure Attention Key remember) you
accidentally hit Ctrl-Alt-Backspace and "oh, s**t my X server just vanished
on me", quite surprising for a new user who has been used to hitting CAD to
log into windows. TBH it's not something that new users of Linux will miss,
those of us that have been using X 10+ years might but then if we're
bothered we can turn it back on or use the SysRq equivalent anyway.

Just my 2p on the matter,


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