atrocious performance of adobe reader plugin

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Thu Mar 4 13:10:07 UTC 2010

Dave Howorth wrote, On 03/04/2010 03:31 AM:
> I recently installed karmic, together with firefox and adobe reader with
> its plugin. I'm finding that the performance when viewing PDF documents
> in a firefox window is truly atrocious.

	Karmic has built in a fine pdf reader or printer which I use 
for all pdf work. I think adding adobe reader may have messed 
up things.

> I'm running across our LAN - firefox is on one machine with karmic,
> while X is running on another machine on my desktop. I start firefox
> with ssh -X.

	If it works fine. Are you sure there is no problem with your LAN?

> I experience very long delays when saving documents but most especially
> when printing them. The system monitor on the display machine is showing
> lots of network activity, some user CPU activity but also noticeable
> kernel activity on the display machine. I'm at a loss to understand why
> there would be any activity at all on the display machine when printing.
> I do have javascript disabled for PDF and often also for the sites from
> which they were downloaded.
	Generally speaking Firefox needs java. I think adobe reader 
expects to have java too.

> Has anybody come across this before? Any suggestions for ways around it
> (alternative software etc)?
> Thanks, Dave

	Seperate problems. Get on the display machine direct and make 
sure it is the problem.

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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