Signing key errors

NoOp glgxg at
Thu Mar 4 01:10:38 UTC 2010

[Karmic 32bit 2.6.31-20-generic]

I am getting the following errors today on repository updates (sudo
apt-get update) only on this one system:

W: GPG error: karmic Release: The
following signatures were invalid: BADSIG DCF9F87B6DFBCBAE Sun
Microsystems, Inc. (xVM VirtualBox archive signing key)
<info at>

I've redownloaded the key directly:
and manually updated:
sudo apt-key add sun_vbox.asc
w/o error.

I've also used the full combined command:
$ wget -q
-O- | sudo apt-key add -
w/o error. Yet I'm still getting the update error.

$ sudo apt-key list
pub   1024D/6DFBCBAE 2008-07-14
uid                  Sun Microsystems, Inc. (xVM VirtualBox archive
signing key) <info at>
sub   2048g/78A86EAF 2008-07-14

Which is correct & what I show on my other systems. Note: I'm getting
same on my bitdefender key as well. It also is correct and working on
the other systems.

Any suggestions as to how I can clear & resolve without having to
remove/reset all my other repository keys as well?

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