gparted on the Juanty cd-rom worked

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Mon Mar 1 23:24:43 UTC 2010

	I looked at the gparted image and was just not sure what to 
do. I could see all the partitions and knew not what to do. I 
did back up earlier today the whole thing so I was to take a 

	I turned on Help and there read about moving a partition 
right. I did this and it took a lot of time but it was a 
success! This was /dev/sda13.

	Now with /dev/sda13 above the free space I was able to add 30 
GB of free space to /dev/sda12 which is my /home/karl which 
includes Desktop which was complaining about only 1.2 GB left!

	So now Desktop which had 26 GB now has 60 GB. That should 
hold me for awhile...

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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