Dreambox edit for Ubuntu?

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Mon Mar 1 22:23:51 UTC 2010

>> The application is open source, so I was surprised to not find a
>> native linux version. Here is the forum, for which the search "linux"
>> returns no results:
>> http://digsat.net/wbb3/index.php?page=Board&boardID=273
> "Open Source" and "Cross Platform" are very different things. Just
> because its open, doesn't mean it can be compiled on linux.

I know that. Instead of "native linux version" I should have written
"native linux implementation" or "native linux alternative".

> It could
> very well use a windows only tool kit.

True, but being open source and used for communicating with a Linux
device over a LAN, developing a native Linux alternative would be
rather straightforward for a programmer.

Dotan Cohen


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