USB to Serial Port Converters

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Mon Mar 1 14:12:58 UTC 2010

sdavmor wrote, On 02/28/2010 08:10 PM:
> Knute Johnson wrote:
>> On 2/27/2010 4:53 AM, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>>> A year or two ago I bought one of these, with CE  FC as the maker
>>> of this device. It does not work well at all.
>>> I need one that reliably puts 5 volts from the USB onto the
>>> proper serial port pin. I also need to use the serial port
>>> XON/XOF flow control.
>>> Can anyone give me a clue as to what to buy? My old one provides
>>> the 5 volts for about 15 seconds and quits.
>>> 73 Karl
>> Unless you have a laptop, why don't you just buy a real serial port
>> for your computer.  It will have the appropriate 15 volts on the
>> signal pins too.
> LAVA out of Canada does a fine range of PCI&  PCI Express cards for
> genuine serial / parallel and combo ports. I've used them for several
> years.
> <>

	Some Google searches has shown me that at least 6 other 
people manufacture these PCI cards and now days they are all 
"smart cards", ie: they have a clock onboard for routine 
control signals and do not overload your kernel. Also they all 
say they work with Linux which seems to mean almost any PCI 
card will work with Linux.

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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