Latest Firefox 3.6.6 - I don't like it...

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Wed Jun 30 15:16:55 UTC 2010

On 30/06/10 23:45, Tony Pursell wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-06-30 at 06:14 -0600, Karl Larsen wrote:
>> On 06/30/2010 12:20 AM, Basil Chupin wrote:
>>> I had a perfectly working combination of Thunderbird and Firefox whereby
>>> clicking on an URL link in TB would bring up that link in
>>> Firefox......until this latest version, 3.6.6, installed earlier today
>>> :-) . That nice link has now been destroyed.
>>> FF is my default browser, its path is written correctly in its
>>> preferences (and it starts OK using this path on a command line), the
>>> config file for TB hasn't been altered....
>>> Anyone else suffering this annoyance following the upgrade of FF?
>>> BC
>>           Have you reboot since you loaded 3.6.6 ? There are other ways
>> to fix your problem but reboot is simple.
>> 73 Karl
> I restarted Firefox after update then no problem opening links in
> Evolution.

Ummmm, what does Thunderbird have to do with Evolution?

Evolution is Evolution; Thunderbird is Thunderbird.

Unless I have been totally missing something for years of course.

> I s it just a Thunderbird problem?  For instance, open a terminal and
> type in then right click it and select Open
> Link.  What do you get?  If you get an error, check what you have in
> System>  Preferences>  Preferred Applications.
> Tony

Thanks, Tony, but as I stated, the path to FF is correct. And when I do 
what you just suggested (although I think what you suggested is not 
quite right) I get an error, "No such file or directory" even though I 
can start FF from ALT-F2 using the correct path (/usr/bin/firefox - 
where FF is a symlink to where it actually resides).

This whole question about TB not being able to auto bring up links in FF 
has been around for quite some time. Suggestions about not having the 
correct activation statement in Preferences for FF is one such 
suggestion for failure of TB to call FF; another one is not having 
either or both as the default internet applications, another one is not 
having the correct parameter written in the TB's user.js or in FF's 
about:config settings.... In earlier years there was this thing called 
launchy.xml in FF - but I deleted it some years ago and TB still linked 
with FF.

That is until today... :-( . Not nice, not nice at all.


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