Upgrade to Document (pdf) Reader to enable handling of XBRL documents

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jun 29 23:09:08 UTC 2010

On 06/29/2010 02:52 PM, Andrew wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-06-29 at 09:17 -0500, W. Scott Lockwood III wrote:
>> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-acrobat-reader-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic.html
> Many thanks,
> The problem is now solved!

I'm confused... 1) why would Scott point you to downloading and
installing manually when acroread 9.3.2 is available from the partner
repository, and 2) why did you not install via the canonical partner
repository? Adobe Reader (acroread) 9.3.2 is available from the repository:

acroread_9.3.2-karmic1_amd64.deb 14-Apr-2010 06:04 	 61M
acroread_9.3.2-karmic1_i386.deb	14-Apr-2010 06:04 	 61M

I _highly_ recommend that you _uninstall_ the manually installed version
and install the repo version. That way you will automatically be
notified of any updated versions in the future. As it stands now, you'll
be stuck with the manually installed version until you check yourself
from Adobe. Given the slew of security issues with Adobe products
lately, I'd opt to keep my system updated from the partner repository.

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