installing a package that wants the "wrong" java

Florian Diesch diesch at
Mon Jun 28 20:57:59 UTC 2010

"Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday at> writes:

>   just learned that there's a pre-release packaging for ubuntu of some
> software i'd like to play with but, alas, it has a *specific*
> dependency of sun's java:
>  ... Depends: sun-java6-jdk but it is not installable

sun-java6-jdk is in multiverse for 8.04-9.10 and in ubuntu-partner for

>   also, if that software really is compatible with openjdk, would it
> make more sense for the vendor to list as its dependency the more
> generic "java-compiler" or "java6-sdk" so that either one would
> satisfy the dependency?  thanks.

I think so. But you better ask at the developer mailing list what's the
current best practise. Maybe someone could update


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