Password Problem (Operator stupidity)

Preston Hagar prestonh at
Mon Jun 28 19:20:43 UTC 2010

On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 2:02 PM, John Graddy <jwgraddy at> wrote:
> I evidently entered the Super User password incorrectly when I installed
> Ubuntu.  Is there any way to find out what I actually entered?
> If the answer is "no", is there any way to execute commands as Super
> User?
> Thanks,
> John

There is no way to find out what you entered.  Can you log into the
normal user account you created during install?  Most Ubuntu installs
I have seen don't even have you set a root (Super User) password
during install.  If you really want to set one (and there are security
reasons not to, but it is your system),  you can log in under an
account with sudo privileges and do

sudo passwd

You will enter your password once, and then enter the password you
want for root twice.  That should reset/set it.


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