Installation Doubts by Beginner

Daniel Ram danielmesquitadearaujo at
Thu Jun 24 23:57:01 UTC 2010

Hi all!

I'm trying to install Java in my computer, but when I try to run "rpm" 
command, the system ask me to use alien.
How can I use alien? I've installed it, but I'm not sure what it is.. 
;-( .. yet! ... The same for Debian (Is Debian a project, isn't?)

P.S.: I have no root password. I put danielram as Administrator, but I'm 
not sure if it is already running as Administrator.
How can I check it? Do I need system restart? Or how can I use sudo like 
a super user?

See below the message after I've tried rpm command (in red):

danielram at danielram-laptop:~$ ls
CEGO          examples.desktop             My GCompris  TestCego
Desktop       jre-6u20-linux-i586.rpm      Pictures     Ubuntu One
Documents     jre-6u20-linux-i586-rpm.bin  Public       Videos
electric.log  Music                        Templates
danielram at danielram-laptop:~$

danielram at danielram-laptop:~$ rpm -iv jre-6u20-linux-i586
rpm: please use alien to install rpm packages on Debian, if you are 
really sure use --force-debian switch. See README.Debian for more details.
danielram at danielram-laptop:~$

Many thanks in advanced,
Daniel Mesquita de Araujo *** Little Blind *** Brazil *** Sao Paulo
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