setting up ftp and sftp servers

Goh Lip g.lip at
Sun Jun 20 13:08:59 UTC 2010

On 06/20/2010 08:49 PM, Calcpage wrote:

> OK, so I should install the server edition and add the GUI desktop?
> Is the server edition very different or complicated to set up?  I am
> used to my Slackware servers....

Hi, Jorge, isn't it so coincidental that I just posted a message that is 
so relevant to your question. So here goes again...

> Jorge, one important caveat. Most of us here are not on the server
> edition. If any of us here set up a 'server'. it is just for mucking
> around and may feel unqualified, including myself, to give you
> professional advice. While some of us here, not me though, are working
> in a server environment, they may feel even more 'challenged' as they
> have to abide to a more exacting standard of professionalism.
> So, while I hope others may give you their opinions, you must bear in
> mind that we are only 'users' here and some may even give you wrong
> information. So I hope you handle the responses here, if any,
> appropriately.
> There are links to the server page where you may find more specific
> information.
> Good luck - Goh Lip

My *opinion* to you.

Try out the server edition in your nice new machines, after all, that's 
what it's for. Don't install gui. If you give up, then install a gui to 
your liking (you can remove it later). There are some advantages of 
server edition with gui than desktop edition, dns, etc, but nothing that 
should worry you, though. Go for it.

Regards - Goh Lip

ps1: let us know how it goes, we can learn from you.
ps2: any links to operations research? (i think it's called game theory now)

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