Installing another version of Linux

Timothy Emmons emmons2332 at
Thu Jun 17 03:55:25 UTC 2010

Thanks for that, I'll take a look at the links you gave, and definitely get some sighted help on this one as well, dn't want to screw it up beyond repair, and it's highly likely that I would tonight, Lol. Thanks for that and I'll take a look and catch you guys when I get it up and running. Thanks for the help. Take care. Talk to you soon. 

--- On Wed, 6/16/10, NoOp <glgxg at> wrote:

From: NoOp <glgxg at>
Subject: Re: Installing another version of Linux
To: ubuntu-users at
Date: Wednesday, June 16, 2010, 10:38 PM

Top posted on purpose due to Timothy's accessibility issues.

This looks to be a very cool customize version of Ubuntu. However I
doubt folks on this list will be familiar with it, so I'd recommend:
for assistance.

I'd also recommend not trying to do this tonight... either wait until
you get sighted assistance, or until you get information from the links
above. There is nothing worse than trying to install a new distro
without prior preparation & even a sighted person (me) runs into
problems in doing so.


On 06/16/2010 07:58 PM, Timothy Emmons wrote:
> Hi guys, I have found a more accessible version of Ubuntu, namely the
> Vinux distribution that has all the accessibility features
> automatically set up and turned on. However, I'm not sure how to
> install it in the place of the current ubuntu on the netbook. I've
> burned the image to the Dvd, I've put the Dvd files on a Usb drive
> that was first used to install Ubuntu, but can't figure it out. Any
> help here would be appreciated. Let me know the steps as precisely as
> you can since I'm doing this without sighted assistance tonight. I
> know there has to be a way but I'm missing something. Thanks and take
> care.

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