broken ssh

Hal Burgiss hal at
Sun Jun 13 13:39:40 UTC 2010

On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 7:44 AM, Mark C. Miller <mr.mcmiller at> wrote:
> During my school year, I was able to ssh into my box which, has a domain
> name assigned by DYNDNS. I used "Places >>Connect to server" to do this.
> Connectivity ceased the last week of May while running 9.10. Now, when I
> try that, it connects (accepts my login ID), but stops at the password.
>  I use the same password that I use to login under that system ID on
> the box itself.  The password works to login to the system directly.
> I've tried loogging in from the command line:  "ssh
> eyore15 at" works.  It then asks for my password and
> then will not accept the assigned password for the system. I also:

Two things I would try:

Use the -v option with ssh, like "ssh -vv user at host". This output is
pretty cryptic, but might shed some light.

Also, what do the logs show? I am not on an Ubuntu system at the
moment, but the log name is either auth.log or secure.log.

I would suspect a config setting somewhere as my first guess, and the
logs would be the best place to start digging for that.


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